368 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 3AU
0141 9496 0184



Paying for your traffic is an extremely effective way to attract new clients and increase the exposure of your brand. No other method of marketing allows you to throw £10 at a campaign, write a few ads and literally ‘open the flood gates’ to enormous amounts of qualified traffic. Providing you give these visitors exactly what they’re looking for, you will create successful campaigns that can run on autopilot – bringing you traffic day and night, whether you’re in the office or not.

Creating and managing PPC campaigns takes a lot of time and attention – if it’s going to be done effectively, that is. And to do it effectively, you’ve got to know exactly what to go after.

By letting us manage your PPC campaign(s) for you, you will have complete peace of mind whilst remaining firmly in the driving seat. We will do all of your keyword research using some of the most sophisticated software available… you’ll be amazed at some of the keywords our state-of-the-art tools can actually find!

We’ll write your ad copy – creating tightly-knit ad groups to ensure relevancy and high-quality scores. Not only this, but we’ll constantly test new ad text to ensure we have a copy that’s attracting eyes and more importantly, clicks. We will also recommend ideas to improve landing page conversions and help you get the most out of your traffic.

We’ll closely monitor your campaigns, keeping a keen eye on your spending and – more importantly – a keen eye on your ROI. We’ll also keep you up-to-date on our findings/thoughts through regular in-depth reports.

In short, we will work closely with you and do everything in our power to make your campaign a success. We are extremely passionate people and see every new PPC/SEO campaign as a fresh challenge. We will not rest until we have found the right formulae to create a front-end sales machine capable of increasing your business!

We generally recommend running PPC campaigns on new sites we build for clients, in particular, the ones we are looking for SEO. This is so we can be certain the main keywords we target are keywords that people use to buy your products or services.