368 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 3AU
0141 9496 0184


Blog your way to a bigger business…


From farmers to fishermen and builders to bankers, ever since the ‘blogging boom’ took place, everyone who’s anyone has their own personal blog.

It’s not because they want to tell the world about what they had for breakfast, or what they saw on the news… but it’s because they want to increase their online presence – and you know what? It’s working.

However, setting up, hosting, maintaining and editing a blog can be a very big task – particularly when you’re already busy getting your company’s everyday activities underway.

And that’s why we’ll do it all for you. We currently run dozens of blogs, all of which have increased the respective client’s traffic considerably.

So, we’ve established that if you want to increase your online presence, you will need a blog.

But the question is, what goes on a blog?

Well, there are many different types of blogs – from personal blogs to factual/informative blogs.

For a business, though, a blog is a place they can promote their products; somewhere they can communicate with their customers, and more importantly, somewhere where they can send targeted traffic directly to their main site from.

It’s simple. Most visitors to your blog won’t just stumble on it by chance, they’ll be there because they searched for a product/service – a product/service that YOU provide. For this reason, you don’t want them clicking off your blog immediately, do you? You want them to stay for a while, make themselves comfortable, click through to your main site and buy your product/service.

You’re probably thinking, “I need a blog”, and you know what? You’re right.

If you want to increase the amount of targeted traffic reaching your site, you need a blog. But how are you going to create a blog, maintain it and make sure it is performing as it should be when you’ve got umpteen other tasks to be getting on with?

Contact us and discuss your campaign. We’ll talk you through how having a blog can benefit your specific business, and discuss the work that needs doing.