368 Alexandra Parade, Glasgow G31 3AU
0141 9496 0184


Achieve higher search engine rankings


If done right, marketing for search can really take your business to the next level. By tapping into targeted traffic within your market – that’s the people actively looking to buy your products/services – there really is no limit to what you can achieve.

In its simplest form, Search Engine Optimisation (also known as Search Engine Marketing) involves identifying the key terms people use when looking for your products and services… and then ensuring your brand appears number one on the results pages for these terms. In reality, a lot of your traffic will come from variations of the keywords we identify (known as the long-tail) and we will make sure your site shows for these terms as well.

What’s the process?

Stage 1 – Keyword Research and Analysis

Chances are, there are hundreds of thousands of keywords used in relation to your product or service, and so the first step is to find the keywords that will send the most targeted visitors to your site. We will be looking at search volumes on each keyword, followed by deep competitor analysis, which involves looking at the quality of the sites currently ranking for your terms and the quality of the promotion they have received.

This is one of the most important parts of the whole process as it will determine whether or not a keyword will provide you with the ROI you need. We have the experience and the software to determine whether or not a keyword is worth perusing accurately and we will provide a detailed report of our research.

Stage 2 – On-Site Optimisation

On-site optimisation basically involves tweaking your site to increase its ‘attractiveness’ to search engines (MAINLY GOOGLE. It might be as simple as changing the titles and headers of your pages or it could be a complete overhaul of the navigation; it really depends on your site.

If you haven’t already done so, we will install Google analytics for free and we’ll teach you exactly how to use it so you can easily monitor the effectiveness of our services.

Stage 3 – Backlink Building

Links will drive your site to the number one spot, nothing else. A link to your site from someone else’s acts as a “vote” – a recommendation, if you will – from that site. The search engines sporadically count and evaluate who has the best votes, allowing them higher positions. It’s not simply a matter of quantity, it’s more about quality, and we know exactly where to go for quality links in ANY market. See here for prices.

We will plan how much link promotion you need to rank your site, including time scales and cost. In some cases, it might take just one month… in more competitive markets, though, it could take six months. No matter how long it takes, rest assured that you will always be in the driving seat.

Link building is something of a speciality for the 123 teams we are incredibly well-versed in this field. The tools they use are the finest in the industry, coupled with over 20 years of experience, and they have the ability to take your company to the next level. See the best SEO case studies on the internet!

SEO Content Writing

If you’ve got a website, you’ll have content. And whether you’ve hired a professional to write this or not, the content of your website needs to be well-written and carefully optimized if you want to make sales/conversions.

You can think of it like this: your site’s design and structure are like the brickwork of your house… and the content is the furniture on the inside. If it’s not in the right place, it won’t look right/work. If it’s not the right size… it won’t look right/work – I’m sure you get the picture!

Content doesn’t just ‘fill’ out your site, though. It keeps your targeted audience and visitors engaged while they’re on your site, and the better the content, the longer your visitors will stay and the more chance you have of making a sale.

Some people say that 75% of the people visiting your website will be there ready to buy your product – but at least half of these people click off a site because they haven’t been ‘captured’. It’s like owning a shop, having a customer come to the counter with a product, lay it down then walk away without buying it.

If you talked to this customer, though, and engaged them by arousing their interest in the product/service – the chances are, they would have gone through with the sale.

The same applies to your website. You’ve got to care about what your customers are reading. If you don’t, you won’t make any sales.

Having theRIGHT copy in the right places on your site is crucial. Sure, you can move it around and re-write it yourself, but getting the combination right could take you months (or you may never find the ‘magic’ combination).

So, by letting us write your content for you, you won’t have to worry about getting every single word right. We’ve got the knowledge and access to tools that allow us to find out exactly what your visitors want to read when they visit your site.

Whether it’s writing the content for your site, tweaking a few headers, or writing articles to be placed on external websites – we can do it all.